Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Configuring a Local Variable

By default, the campaign Variables tab will show all global variables and all local variables that have been configured for the campaign. You can use the Show Variables drop-down in the bottom right of the screen to only show Global or Local variables.

Only local CampaignRecipient variables are fully configurable from within a campaign.

Configure the options for the variable as follows:

Option Description
Level The propagation level of the variable.
Name The specified name of the variable.
Type Displays the variable type set during creation.
Use in Cell Check this box to make the variable available for use when building cells to explicitly associate a variable within a cell, for example a treatment code or category. Only variables within the propagation level CampaignRecipient can be used in cells.
Default Three options are available:
  • Leaving the default option blank will mean that any of the specified values can be selected when the variable is used.
  • Click the icon to change it to a icon allowing you to select a hard coded value for the variable within the current campaign.
  • Select a database column that provides the variable for each record.
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